Merete Jonvik (NO) Ph. D., Social Anthropologist and Sociologist, has written an essay for CAS, about experiencing art, and in particular about her personal meeting with my works.

Fragile Etherality (English version)

In this essay, Merete Jonvik questions what occurs when a viewer encounters an artwork. What kind of emotions and thoughts are evoked by the work? She points out that an experience with an artwork can be considered as a conversation between the personal sensation engendered by the work and the established art discourse, and that this conversation necessarily depends on the legitimacy of the personal experience.

Norwegian: "Eg såg desse verka for første gong i «Aanestad-rommet» som var del av gruppeutstillinga Frail Mighty ved Stavanger Kunsthall i 2018. Eg kjende meg småsakral. Eg har ikkje sagt det til kunstnaren, eller til andre for den del, for eg visste ikkje kva eg skulle seia. Eg visste berre at eg ville vera i rommet så lenge som mogleg. Ha verka rundt meg. Eg ønskte det var ein sofa i rommet, ein stol eller ei seng, slik at eg kunne opphalda meg der, over tid, gjerne i avslappande positurar.” https://www.c